Marketing Trends for 2023

As the end of the year approaches, guides to how to be more successful in the new year start to flood your newsfeed. Many of those guides seem to gloss over how achievable the goals in those guides are.

We’re here to change that for this year.

We identified five digital marketing trends that you can take advantage of in 2023 that are achievable, measurable, and will help move the needle in terms of success you see each month.

Customer Experience

The customer should come first but how often are you thinking about how that customer is interacting with all your content and moving through your sales funnel? One of the best ways to optimize your customer experience in the new year is to look at how to make it more frictionless.

Take some time and look at your website, emails, and social media as if you were a customer. Is it easy to find out who your company is and what product or service you provide? Is it easy to get questions answered or contact someone if you have more questions? What about the ordering or appointment scheduling process? Are there any steps you can combine or eliminate?

While a lot of 2023 strategy round ups will tell you how you can “beat the algorithm,” the best way to beat the algorithm is to have the best customer experience and there is no time like the present to start to improve it.

Clear, Concise Messages

Snackable short-form content is winning the day and with that comes the ever-growing challenge of competing for people’s attention. Chances are your marketing messaging could use some editing. Can you convey the same message in fewer words? Put on your editor hat and cut down on how many words you are using in copy and your marketing content. Make it as short as possible while still being clear.

Foundations Matter

In the world of digital marketing, it can be easy to get distracted by shiny new things. With the Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, NFTs, and more, it can feel like you are always behind. We’re here to remind you that the traditional foundations of digital marketing still matter.

Don’t forget to focus on SEO, your website, digital ads, and building your online community. We’re not telling you to forget about the new shiny things, we are just reminding you that all those building blocks that gave you success in the beginning, can continue to deliver success in the future.

Artificial Intelligence

Keeping in mind our point above about foundations, AI is quickly growing its depth and breadth in digital marketing. It powers everything from the social media algorithms to the tools that determine when digital ads get delivered.

While a lot of marketing AI is still very new, it’s a great time to stay updated on how it’s growing, changing, and starting to impact marketing work as a whole. Make sure you understand how the algorithms are working and be able to speak to them when you are communicating results.

The Metaverse

One of the most talked about trends in marketing is the metaverse. You likely cannot go a day without having someone tell you about it or seeing an article about it. Still in its infancy, we are likely a while away from the metaverse being a player in traditional marketing efforts; however, that doesn’t mean that you can’t take time to understand it.

Start to immerse yourself personally in the metaverse and look for business opportunities to get involved. Just because it isn’t ready for a full-blown marketing plan or activation doesn’t mean that you can’t get a heads start on being involved in it.

A lot has changed in the world of marketing in the last year but the fundamentals are still very much the same. Be curious and open to new ideas and tools but make sure to not lose sight of the bigger picture. With these five trends, you will be well on your way to having a successful 2023.

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