SEO: Why It Is Important

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is one of those digital marketing buzzwords that gets thrown around by a lot of people. Unfortunately, a lot of those people don’t really know the true importance of SEO.

SEO needs to be an integral part of your digital marketing strategy. There is no way around it. If you have a website and use social media, you need to work on your SEO all the time. Here are five reasons why SEO is important for your business.

SEO Helps Search Engines Find You

The main reason that SEO is important is because it helps search engines like Google find your website and content. Search engines are constantly crawling the internet to both grow and make better the search results that they provide. If your website has the keywords and phrases that those search engines determine people are looking for, the higher your website appears in search results.

SEO Forces You To Write Good Copy

It use to be that you could just throw a bunch of keywords into your product descriptions or headlines and that would positively impact your SEO. That’s not the case anymore. Now you need to craft your SEO carefully. Answer questions and sprinkle in keywords where they make sense. Writing good SEO is now in the same vein as good copywriting.

Organic Search is Still King

For a little while, paid search and social media was the only way to get through to consumers, now, search engines are swinging the other way. Organic search is now the most valuable way your business is found and more consumers and clients trust companies they find organically than one they are served an ad for. Good SEO helps your business appear in more organic search results making your business more likely to attract customers and clients.

Good SEO Builds a Better User Experience

Not being able to find something you are searching for is far and away one of the most frustrating things that can happen as a consumer. This is even more true for web-based searches. Good SEO almost guarantees that customers will be able to find the product or service they are looking for. Not only does it help your site appear in search engines results, it also makes your own website search run better and more efficiently.

SEO is Long Term

A lot of things change in the market. It’s a volatile place and companies and organizations have to constantly adjust and innovate. This is especially true when it comes to digital marketing. That being said, SEO is actually a long-term solution. While it does constantly evolve, the better your SEO is, the more and more of a positive impact you ill see from it over time.

SEO might seem like a daunting task to tackle, but it is vitally important if you want your company to grow and succeed. Thankfully, SimplyBuilt has SEO experts waiting in the wings to help you optimize your SEO today!

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