Simply Built vs Squarespace

Building your website completely from scratch can be time consuming for you and your team or end up costing you a lot of money in contractors. Nobody has time for that! There are dozens of different site builders and one of the most prominent is Squarespace. When you’re trying to get your website launched, choosing the right site builder for your needs is vital! Before you make the final choice, let’s take a look at how Squarespace squares up.

There are few things you’ll want to look at as you compare Simply Built with Squarespace for your needs: features, ease of use, and cost.


Simply Built

While you’re busy building your business, there are a few options for how to build your website. The two most common are coding the site yourself or easy drag and drop sites. Simply Built brings you the best of both worlds! You start by working with a Guide who coaches and walks with you through the structure of your site. Once you’ve got the basic set-up designed, you have the option of using the drag-and-drop method to customize the site to your liking.


Squarespace has quickly become the premiere drag-and-drop site available for website building. With their setup you have access to dozens of different templates and layouts that are pre-designed for you to use. There are several different aspects that make Squarespace appealing but if you want truly customized layouts and designs, opting for something less cookie cutter will suit your needs!

Ease of Use

Simply Built

There’s nothing like having a team on your side when you’re designing and building a website to make it simple to use! Simply Built sets you up with a team that helps you get your website off the ground in no time. The first member of your team is your Guide. This is the person who will coordinate with the Simply Built design team and you to get all the details right for your site. You provide the content and your Guide will take your ideas and make them a reality.


The drag-and-drop method that helped Squarespace gain prominence is typically easy to use for even the most amateur website builder. The downside to this ease of use is that many of the websites, layouts, and schemes used within the Squarespace realm make the websites you’d build there, cookie-cutter across the web. Doing all the dragging and dropping yourself also takes a lot of time and when you’re trying to build up your business, it can be time better spent on your vocation!


Simply Built

Having more people in your corner is going to cost you a bit more but the benefits are endless! Simply Built offers you a chance to get a high-quality team building your site for just a low cost of $79 per month. Compared to pure drag-and-drop sites like Squarespace, the cost is significantly higher but the benefits you’ll see in time freed and professional service are priceless. Adding more pages to your site results in a higher cost but your Guide is able to coach you through the process so you won’t stumble into unnecessary charges.


There are several pricing options for Squarespace and the draw-in is a 14-day free trial! Squarespace does collect a transaction fee when you’re using your website to conduct business online so you’ll need to keep that in mind as you build out your site. Prices range from $12 per month up to $26 per month for an advanced commerce site.


Your business is important and it deserves the best team and treatment when you’re building out your website! Taking time out of your busy day to create and develop a website through drag-and-drop sites like Squarespace can keep you from focusing on your business. Working with a team and a company that allows you creative freedom through drag-and-drop options as well as a dedicated Guide and design team saves you time and effort! Simply Built gives you all the benefits of Squarespace plus a Guide and design team that takes your project seriously!

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