Why You Should Have a Mobile Optimized Website

Is your website mobile optimized? If it isn’t, now is the time to get started. More people than ever are accessing websites via their mobile devices and more often than not, they are seeing your website for the first time on a mobile device. So if your site is hard to navigate from a phone, is slow or is just plain weird to look at on a phone or tablet, it might be time to update. 

Here are five reasons why you should make sure your website is mobile friendly.

1. More Mobile Phone Use

Of the 4.4 billion people on the internet in the world, 2.87 billion of them used a mobile device in 2020. That’s almost two-thirds of all internet users. In fact, it’s been estimated that more people own a mobile device than a toothbrush. 

Most people are not booting up a desktop computer and finding your website with a mouse and an external keyboard. They are using a phone or a tablet to both search for and navigate your site. 

People are interacting with your site using taps and drags instead of mouse clicks and the keyboard so if your site isn’t easy to interact with this way, you are likely losing out on traffic and customers. 

2. People’s Attention Spans are Shorter

The average internet user only waits about 3 seconds for a page to load before abandoning the site. If your site is slow to load or hard to navigate via mobile device, they are probably going to leave your site and go find another one that is easier to use and loads faster. 

Optimize your site for the new mobile customer. The easier it is to use on a phone or a tablet, the better. 

3. Better Customer Experience

A well-designed, easy to use website will bring customers back. While this is a simplistic view, it is true. The easier your website is to use and the more helpful it is for the customer accessing it on their mobile device, the better. 

Mobile-friendly sites are easy to use, initiative, easy to navigate and look good on a smaller screen. The less scrolling a customer has to do to find task bars, buttons, and menus, the better their experience will be. Making sure pictures are the right size and load quickly, helps the website look and operate better.

People use mobile websites because more often than not, they are convenient. People are using their phones to hold digital tickets to events, online shop, and more. People are actually more likely to impulse purchase when they are shopping on their phone than if they are using a desktop computer; so having an attractive and easy to use website can help convert more customers. 

4. Better Rankings

Google and other search engines like when your website has an easy to use mobile version. The better the mobile version, the higher your search engine ranking is likely to be. This makes your website easier to find and increases the chance that people will find your website over your competitors.

5. Building Trust

An often underestimated and overlooked part of having a mobile-friendly website is building trust with your future and current customers. Businesses or companies with a mobile-friendly site are usually seen as more organized and as a result, more trustworthy.

Having a mobile optimized site signals to customers that you take into consideration their whole experience with your brand. You are prioritizing how they experience your brand across all devices and that triggers customer confidence in your brand. 

The better your mobile website, the more likely customers are to come back and to recommend your business to friends and family. 

Final Thoughts

While it seems like a small thing, having a mobile friendly website can have a big impact on your business. From building customer trust to making it easier for someone to convert, a well-designed mobile site can make or break your business. At SimplyBuilt, we make sure that your website is mobile friendly from day one. Want to talk strategy? Contact us today!

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