Mid-Year Check In: Website Edition

Seems impossible that we are already almost halfway through the year, but here we are. The mid-year point is a great time for business owners to take a step back and look at what could be improved, tweaked, or updated to give their business the best chance for success in the back half of the year.

In today’s blog, we will tackle website updates.

Revamping your website is a great way to set yourself up for success in the second half of the year. It breathes new life into your brand and gives you a chance to do some much needed digital clean up.

Not ready for a full revamp? No worries, some simple tweaks can make a huge difference in how customers find and interact with your website.

Here are our top 4 tips for a mid-year website clean-up.

1. Add more visuals

Less words, more images! People have short attention spans and if there is one thing you can count on, it is them likely not reading 60% of what you have written on your site. Adding pictures, videos, and infographics to your site is an easy way to make it more eye-catching. Bonus points if added videos and images help you eliminate some of the text. 

2. Make it more interactive

When a customer hits your website, you want them to stay on it as long as possible. Making the site interactive with slideshows, forms, and clickable images will help keep customers engaged and make your site stand out. Ideally you will want to make sure those interactive elements help your customers learn more about your business and get them to reach out to you for your services.

3. Clean navigation and menus

Nothing is worse than when the navigation for a website is cluttered and chaotic. Send your site to a friend and have them use the menus and give you feedback. Making menus cleaner and simpler can go a long way with customers. Make sure all the most important pages are on the top of the menus and that you have nested secondary pages appropriately. The less time a customer has to spend scrolling and hunting, the better.

4. SEO optimization

If you only have time to do one thing to clean up your website, tackle SEO. Good SEO helps people find your website and makes it easier to appear above your competitors in web searches. Make sure your pages have relevant keywords and take a moment to review the metadata for each page to make sure it can be easily indexed by Google. 

Good website maintenance will pay off in spades for your business and mid-year is a great time to do some clean up.

Does all of this sound too daunting to tackle on your own? We get it. You only have so much time as a small business owner. Simply Built can help! Contact us today for a website audit so we can get started!

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